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Sunan Ibn Majah 2063

It was narrated from 'Urwah bin Zubair, that 'Aishah said:
"Blessed is the One Whose hearing encompasses all things. I heard some of the words of Khawlah bint Tha'labah, but some of her words were not clear to me, when she complained to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ about her husband, and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, ﷺ he has consumed my youth and I split my belly for him (i.e., bore him many children), but when I grew old and could no longer bear children he declared Zihar upon me; O Allah, I complain to You.' She continued to complain until Jibra'il brought down these Verses: 'Indeed Allah has heard the statement of she who pleads with you (O Muhammad) concerning her husband, and complains to Allah" (58:1)

حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بَكْرِ بْنُ أَبِي شَيْبَةَ، حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَبِي عُبَيْدَةَ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبِي، عَنِ الأَعْمَشِ، عَنْ تَمِيمِ بْنِ سَلَمَةَ، عَنْ عُرْوَةَ بْنِ الزُّبَيْرِ، قَالَ قَالَتْ عَائِشَةُ تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي وَسِعَ سَمْعُهُ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ . إِنِّي لأَسْمَعُ كَلاَمَ خَوْلَةَ بِنْتِ ثَعْلَبَةَ وَيَخْفَى عَلَىَّ بَعْضُهُ وَهِيَ تَشْتَكِي زَوْجَهَا إِلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ ـ ﷺ ـ وَهِيَ تَقُولُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ أَكَلَ شَبَابِي وَنَثَرْتُ لَهُ بَطْنِي حَتَّى إِذَا كَبِرَتْ سِنِّي وَانْقَطَعَ وَلَدِي ظَاهَرَ مِنِّي اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَشْكُو إِلَيْكَ . فَمَا بَرِحَتْ حَتَّى نَزَلَ جِبْرَائِيلُ بِهَؤُلاَءِ الآيَاتِ {قَدْ سَمِعَ اللَّهُ قَوْلَ الَّتِي تُجَادِلُكَ فِي زَوْجِهَا وَتَشْتَكِي إِلَى اللَّهِ}.


Sahih (Authentic) [Darussalam]


Sunan Ibn Majah 2063
Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 3, Book of Divorce, Hadith 2063